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NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences

NHL Stenden 竭尽全力促进、激励和激发学生和员工,帮助他们蓬勃发展。学生、讲师、研究人员和行业专业人士共同解决行业提出的问题和作业,使您能够发展成为具有跨学科思维、进取心强、足智多谋的专业人士。通过实际任务、与该领域专家的直接接触以及与教练的个人接触,您可以在专业和个人水平上得到成长。您的作业和实习会开辟职业机会并拓宽您的人际网络,让您在职业生涯中取得先机。



在NHL Stenden学习意味着您可以探索荷兰的生活,与来自世界各地的同学一起工作和社交。NHL NHL Stenden校园位于相对较小的学生城市,以友好而闻名,提供安全而多样化的学习环境,您可以自由地做自己。


    NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences challenges its students, staff and partners to explore beyond existing solutions and possibilities, to discover and develop their talents so as to contribute to social progress.

    • Learn using a practical approach, working in groups on assignments set by industry partners and developing usable solutions
    • Get more international opportunities and spend part of your degree studying or doing your internship in a different country, drawing on our global network
    • Get the most out of your studies with relatively low tuition rates, well-priced housing (and a housing guarantee) and homely and affordable student cities

    NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences challenges its students, staff and partners to explore beyond existing solutions and possibilities, to discover and develop their talents so as to contribute to social progress.

    Student offices

    Whatever your question, the Student Info Desk can point you in the right direction. They’re on hand to deal with your queries about registration, tuition fees, tests, certificates and practical questions about your time as a student. The Student Counselling Office can help you if you’re worried about your studies and the progress you’re making. There’s always someone to turn to.


    At NHL Stenden, we offer a housing guarantee for international students with our official accommodation partners. Conditions apply. In the Netherlands, students usually rent a room in a shared house or apartment with other students. There are also options to rent a one-bedroom or studio apartment. Student accommodation is usually provided by real estate agents or private landlords who advertise their rooms on different platforms.


    Borrow books, use the smart boards, printers and scanners, follow workshops on digital skills, use the computers and study spaces and ask the information specialists for help finding answers.


    NHL Stenden offers the learning, library and IT facilities you need to take you through your studies. From something as simple as good wifi right up to the farthest corner of the campuses to 3D printing in our X-Lab. From free software to purpose-built design and recording studios.



    • NHL Stenden连续第五年被评为荷兰排名前四的应用科学大学之一!
    • 80% 的NHL Stenden学生表示他们对自己的学习计划总体上感到满意或非常满意
    • 根据荷兰年度 Keuzegids Hbo 评选,至少有 20 个最佳节目



    • 与你的学习教练一起制定你的学习目标和目的
    • 从第一天开始,通过与行业合作和为行业服务,建立你的专业网络
    • 通过在荷兰或国外实习,在学习期间获得实践经验。我们的许多学生毕业后留在实习公司或返回实习公司,因此实习是他们职业生涯的真正起点。
    • 80% 的校友在毕业后三个月内找到工作
    • 实现你的梦想,创办自己的企业。我们的创业中心可以帮助你在学习期间建立自己的企业

      All degrees offered by NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences are accredited by the NVAO in the Netherlands (The Accreditation Organisation of the Netherlands and Flanders).

      “我喜欢教学原则以及它如何强调个人关系。重点是指导和支持学生,因为老师们在照顾我,我可以专注于学习。” - Kyra Bar 谈论NHL Stenden教育理念。



      Bachelor's degree


      Master's degree



      If you are thinking about applying to NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences, you may be eligible for a scholarship. NHL Stenden offers 2 different scholarships for NON-EU/EEA bachelor students.

      NL Scholarship

      The NL Scholarship is financed by the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science and Dutch research universities and universities of applied sciences. These scholarships award selected international undergraduate students from outside the EU/EEA with a one-time financial contribution of € 5000.

      NHL Stenden Excellency Scholarship

      The NHL Stenden Excellency Scholarship is a performance-based scholarship for 1st and 2nd year non-EU/EEA students at NHL Stenden.


      荷兰的高等教育以其高质量和国际学习环境而闻名于世。荷兰教育机构在国际上得分NHL Stenden应用科学大学因其教育质量而备受推崇。根据 2021 年荷兰高等教育指南,我们连续第三年被列为荷兰前 3 名“最佳大型应用科学大学”之一。



      • Leeuwarden

        NHL Stenden Leeuwarden Rengerslaan 8

        • Groningen

          NHL Stenden Groningen (Dutch programs) Phebensstraat 1

          • Emmen

            NHL Stenden Emmen Van Schaikweg 94

            • Meppel

              NHL Stenden Meppel (PABO-course, in English) Van der Duyn van Maasdamstraat 1

              • Assen

                NHL Stenden Assen (Dutch programs) Zeemanstraat 1

                • Leeuwarden

                  Leeuwarden, 荷兰


                  NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences