Belfast, 英国
3 Years
Sep 2025
GBP 25,300
农业正在经历前所未有的变革时期。 地方、国家、欧洲和全球各级政府政策的变化以及消费者需求的变化正在挑战传统对生产的依赖。
- 促进农业可持续性的作物和动物生产系统,包括基本的科学、经济和商业原则以及最新发展的适用性
- 全球、欧盟和地区政策对农业行业的影响
- 评估农业与环境的相互作用并制定环境管理战略
- 把农业当作企业来管理
- 以专业的方式处理工作环境、学习和终身学习
- 设计、管理和评估项目工作
We offer prestigious, competitive scholarships of up to 50% off tuition fees to new international students. You must have an offer to study a full-time course with us in 2024 to apply for a scholarship.
Year 1
- 应用动物科学(40学分)
- 机械化和农场建筑(20学分)
- 应用作物科学(20学分)
- 商业与研究方法简介(20学分)
- 企业技术 (20 学分)
Year 2
- 农产品商业营销与管理 (40学分)
- 工作实习(20学分)
- 畜牧生产与管理(40学分)
- 作物生产系统(20学分)
Year 3
- 项目工作(农业技术)(20 个学分)
- 环境可持续性政策(20学分)
- 商业创新与创业(20学分)
- 作物与动物科学与技术进展(20学分)
- 农场动物健康和福利 (20 学分)
- 全球农业问题(20学分)
Details of assessments associated with this course are outlined below:
The way in which you are assessed will vary according to the Learning objectives of each module. Some modules are assessed solely through project work or written assignments. Others are assessed through a combination of coursework and end-of-semester examinations. Details of how each module is assessed are shown in the Student Handbook which is provided to all students during their first year induction.
The majority of our graduates will seek careers in the agricultural, agri-environment, or agri-food sectors, in roles including; marketing/sales, production and management, technical advice, and research and development in commercial companies.
Employment after the Course
The degree has been developed in consultation with employers, industry, and academics, to offer students a combined curriculum of formal education and practical experience, which is designed to enhance employability and graduate skills.
Employment Links
This program was developed after extensive consultation with government bodies, major farming organizations, the food processing sector, farmers, and conservation organizations, and the curriculum reflects these consultations. This close industry involvement has continued. The initial years of this program were overviewed by an industry group representing LANTRA, AFBI, DARD (now DAERA), and the UFU. Industry representatives play a significant role in the operation of student learning projects where they use their expertise to guide students running major college enterprises.
Students organize an industry symposium as part of their final year, providing opportunities to engage with key stakeholders within the local industry. In addition, major employers such as Dunbia, Moy Park, and John Thompson and Sons have contributed competitive bursaries to support students on these degrees.
Professional Opportunities
工作实习是必修课,是学位课程不可或缺的一部分,占最终学位等级的 5%(三年制课程)和 10%(四年制课程)。学校通过一系列研讨会和专门的学校工作实习和职业顾问为学生提供工作实习支持。我们与多家雇主多次合作,学生也可以自行提出实习建议。
Degree Plus/Future Ready Award for extra-curricular skills
In addition to your degree program, at Queen's, you can have the opportunity to gain wider life, academic, and employability skills. For example, placements, voluntary work, clubs, societies, sports, and lots more. So not only do you graduate with a degree recognized by a world-leading university, but you'll also have practical national and international experience plus a wider exposure to life overall. We call this the Degree Plus/Future Ready Award. It's what makes studying at Queen's University Belfast special.
Contact Teaching Hours
Personal Study
- 29 (hours maximum)
Large Group Teaching
- 9 (hours maximum)
Learning and Teaching
对于农业技术学士学位,我们旨在通过提供一系列学习体验来提供高质量的学习环境。CAFRE 和女王大学之间的合作安排充分利用了两所机构的优势,提供既具有学术挑战性又注重科学、商业和经济原则应用的课程。第 1 阶段和第 2 阶段主要在 CAFRE Greenmount 校区进行,第 3 阶段主要在贝尔法斯特的女王大学进行。Greenmount 庄园农场是提供该计划的主要资源。校园“农场”包括农场发展中心(200 公顷)和畜牧业发展中心(1,100 公顷)。
Complementary Qualifications
At Stages 1 and 2 students have the opportunity to take a range of complimentary qualifications that enhance employability e.g. PA series of spraying courses, Health and Safety, ECDL, Artificial Insemination, First Aid, Telehandler driving.