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Fresenius University of Applied Sciences

Fresenius University of Applied Sciences

费森尤斯Fresenius University of Applied Sciences主校区,拥有超过 167 年的科学教学传统。 1848 年 Carl Remigius Fresenius 创立了费森尤斯化学实验室,该实验室从一开始就致力于实际的实验室工作和教育。随后于 1971 年获得国家认可的私人资助的应用科学大学认证。


不过,这种纯粹市场化的沟通措施对Fresenius University of Applied Sciences的法律框架绝对没有任何影响。学院并不是取代院系,而是使大学的市场营销部门不仅能够将近年来数量强劲增长的学习课程以更加透明和有针对性的方式呈现在市场上,而且能够更好地满足市场需求。未来和现有学生的需求。在这方面,大学所有依法设立的委员会及其在不同院系的组织在未来将继续保持其相关性和有效性。


Fresenius University of Applied Sciences在德国各地都有代表处 - 因此您在选择学习地点时可以享受充分的灵活性。在学习期间,您还可以搬到我们的另一个地点,扩大您的朋友和熟人圈子,并了解新的城市。

由于地点的灵活变更,当您搬到不同的Hochschule Fresenius地点时,您不会损失任何时间或学分。尽管搬家,您仍然可以继续舒适地学习,不会产生任何后果。

    我们是德国最大的应用科学私立大学之一,为全德国十个校区的 17,000 多名学生提供高质量和国家认可的教育。

    我们成立于 1848 年,旨在保持我们的传统,同时提供创新的学习理念,并与实践相结合。

    • StudyPlus: On StudyPlus, based on your personal profile, you will receive individual recommendations for event and further education offers in the areas: career, further education, internationality, languages, practical experience and network, with which you can optimally enrich your studies and develop your personal skills.
    • Mentoring-Program: As part of our one-year mentoring program, which is offered across all locations, our alumni act as mentors to currently support students with questions about their studies and career orientation.
    • Guest lectures: The possibility of academic guest lectures and semester-wise teaching assignments at the university.

    At Hochschule Fresenius, the goal is to make student life at the university exciting in a variety of ways and thus guarantee the students unforgettable memories of their studies. In addition to events, we also organize tutorials and support student initiatives.

    • Idstein

      Fresenius University of Applied Sciences Limburger Straße 2

    • Berlin

      Jägerstraße 32, 10117 Berlin, , Berlin

      • Munich

        Infanteriestraße 11A, 80797 München, , Munich

        • Wiesbaden

          Moritzstraße 5, 65185 Wiesbaden, , Wiesbaden

          • Hamburg

            Alte Rabenstraße 1, 20148 Hamburg, , Hamburg

            • Düsseldorf

              Platz der Ideen 2 40476 Düsseldorf, , Düsseldorf

              • Heidelberg

                Sickingenstraße 63-65 69126 Heidelberg, , Heidelberg

                • Idstein

                  Limburger Straße, 2, 65510, Idstein




                  Fresenius University of Applied Sciences