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Edith Cowan University

Edith Cowan University

Edith Cowan University



我们的学位课程是与行业专家合作开发的,以确保我们的课程始终与专业领域的需求相符。凭借我们拥有丰富行业经验的专业教学人员,您可以期待在 ECU 接受一流的教育。



ECU 学位受到国际认可,我们的许多课程都经过国家和国际专业机构和组织的专业认证。这意味着您的 ECU 资格将帮助您在世界各地(包括您的祖国)找到工作。


在 ECU,我们知道大学生活不仅仅是学习和听课。在这里,我们鼓励您通过学生俱乐部、运动队、志愿服务机会等丰富您的生活。事实上,在 2020 年 QILT 调查中,我们在本科留学生整体体验方面被评为澳大利亚所有大学中最好的。


我们是澳大利亚教学质量最好的大学之一。令人惊讶的是,连续 17 年,我们的毕业生在《优秀大学指南》中对我们的教学质量给出了 5 星评价。全国只有另外三所大学能与之媲美。


ECU 与西澳大利亚州、澳大利亚和世界各地的行业团体和组织建立了许多合作伙伴关系和联系。这些联系有助于我们在您学习期间为您提供获得实践经验、实习或实习的机会。它还可以帮助您毕业后找到工作!谁知道您的下一次实习可能会让您像国际设计毕业生 Aryana 一样获得顶级职业。 了解 IBM 的实习如何让她在竞争中脱颖而出!


对于许多人来说,在国外学习可能是一项挑战。但在 ECU,我们通过多种支持服务帮助您克服任何学术或个人挑战。我们是澳大利亚学生支持最好的大学之一 - 我们甚至有一个学生成功团队!


Our campuses offer much more than excellent lecture theatres, libraries and cool study spaces. You'll also find a whole range of services to support you through uni, including student accommodation, a medical centre, cafes, gyms and more. All of our campuses can be accessed conveniently via public transport.

Joondalup Campus

Our Joondalup Campus is the University's headquarters. The campus boasts state-of-the-art facilities, including the Health and Wellness Building, a multi-million dollar sport and fitness centre, an award-winning library and student hub, a microbrewery, an outdoor cinema for the summer months and on-campus accommodation.

Mount Lawley Campus

Our Mount Lawley Campus is only minutes from Perth CBD and the Beaufort Street cafe strip. It is equipped with extensive teaching resources, first-rate IT and performing arts facilities, a sports and fitness centre and on-campus accommodation. The campus is also home to the Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts (WAAPA).

South West Campus

Located two hours' drive south of Perth, our South West Campus (Bunbury) is within easy reach of the world-famous Margaret River region. The Campus is the largest university campus outside the metropolitan area and features modern facilities, small class sizes, a comprehensive range of courses and on-campus accommodation.

Student Accomodation

Accommodation is available at student villages on our Joondalup, Mount Lawley and South West (Bunbury) campuses. Shops and sport and recreation facilities are within walking distance of the villages, or easily accessible by public transport.

For more information, visit the ECU Village website.


    申请 ECU 非常简单!

    大多数国际学生可以直接申请入读 ECU 课程,但对于来自印度、巴基斯坦、尼泊尔、乌兹别克斯坦、孟加拉国、黎巴嫩撒哈拉以南非洲国家(南非除外)的学生,有特殊安排,必须通过 ECU授权的教育代理机构申请



    ECU offers a range of scholarships to eligible undergraduate and postgraduate international students. This includes our international scholarships that can reduce your tuition fees by up to 20%.

    All our international academic scholarships are assessed automatically at the time of application, making it easier for you to apply direct into your course and to be assessed for a scholarship at the same time.



    • Joondalup

      Edith Cowan University 270 Joondalup Drive, 6027, Joondalup

    • Mount Lawley

      Edith Cowan University 2 Bradford Street, 6050, Mount Lawley

      • Bunbury

        Edith Cowan University 585 Robertson Drive, , Bunbury
